
This website was created as part of the first ACSA Fellowship to Advance Equity in Architecture. 

The website went online in the Spring of 2024, initiated by Nathalie Frankowski and Cruz Garcia / WAI Architecture Think Tank, co-recipients of the fellowship, with the intent that the page is updated with scholarship, resources, and platforms that center questions and initiatives of social and ecological justice in architecture and related fields.


Journal of Architectural Education (JAE)

Technology + Design (TAD)

JAE Fellows

Statements and Letters

ACSA Traveling Lecture Series


Bibliographic Resources

Where Are My People? Series

From Land Grab to LandBack Publications

ACSA Social Justice Shift

Read the ACSA Social Justice Shift to find out more about ACSA’s shift to equity and justice.

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Technology | Architecture + Design

Issue 6.1
Spring 2022
Technologies and Stewardship of a Native American City

Sarah Baires

Modern Architecture and Climate: Design Before Air Conditioning

Gabrielle Brainard

Issue 4.1
Spring 2020
Racial Equity and the Future of Work

Henry Renski, Laurel Smith-Doerr, Tiamba Wilkerson, Shannon C. Roberts, Shlomo Zilberstein & Enobong H. Branch